Note: I was using a detector far too sensitive to provide accurate readings. This is likely not accurate but I will leave it until I can get back for better readings.
As the story goes on the night of July 7, 1947 Matt Brazel was awakened by a strange noise. The next morning he went out to investigate the source, and found a crashed UFO with several alien beings aboard, or possibly a crashed weather balloon.
The same night Jim Ragsdale was in the back of his truck with his girlfriend drinking beer, and making out. He was startled by a bright object passing over his campsite in the vicinity of Boy Scout Mountain. He described the incident as sounding like a jet airplane passing overhead. Supposedly, his investigation turned up a crashed UFO with several alien beings aboard. The craft had crashed into a large boulder splitting the rock, and was still leaning against it with several strange bodies scattered around.
The same night at around the same time two nurses working at St. Mary's Hospital reported, and logged, seeing a bright flash of light in the Pine Lodge area of the Capitan Mountains. Pine Lodge is roughly a mile from the purported Ragsdale campsite.
Several details of the Ragsdale story just didn't ring true. His description was far more descriptive of a meteorite passing overhead than a UFO although I've never heard a UFO crash.
I started the search for the large strewn meteorite field with the main mass just laying on top of the ground waiting for me to pick it up. Well, I have been looking for the main mass for years, and I guess it is still just laying there. There are several places where there appear to be likely impact sites with small crater but no recoverable pieces. I have found the debris trail of what I think is the main mass as well as over 2 hundred pellet size or smaller meteorites and fragments.
The main body came in from the north and started breaking apart north of Encino, NM which is some 80 miles north of the Ragsdale campsite. Of the five debris trails the Ragsdale site is by far the most productive. I have to assume this is the main body, or largest body.
I would love to think an alien spacecraft actually crashed in this area. I would also love to find the main mass of my suspected meteorite. My hope is there was an actual UFO crash.
If there was a UFO I think the ionized air created by the meteorite would have disrupted the navigation and propulsion system which would likely cause it to crash.
Hunting meteorites in debris trails east of Roswell. This is the UFO meteorite path, but also on the edge of the debris trail of the Glorieta Mountain pallasite.
The Jim Ragsdale most likely campsite.
The boulder split by the crashed UFO. Note, no scratch marks visible on the surface.
Some of the over 200 unclassified meteorites and fragments found over some 5 miles of the debris trail.
This is a likely small meteorite crater where the main mass landed. It came I from the north and left debris on the south side of crater and on both sides.